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How Are Child Support Payments Calculated in Georgia?

Family Law

Custody and child support hearings are not something most parents look forward to eagerness. There can be many gray areas in these hearings, making it hard to know what to expect. Knowing how child support payments are calculated in Georgia can help alleviate some stress.

All child support payments are calculated by starting with the Basic Child Support Obligation (BCSO) table. This table gives a pre-determined amount based on the incomes of each parent and the percentage of the total parenting income they each represent. It also considers how many children are being supported. The figure given by this table is only a starting point, however.

Nearly every parent will have deductions that will affect the amount given by the BCSO table. Deductions can include those for healthcare or medical expenses. For example, if the child is covered under one parent’s insurance policy and that parent is paying the premium. Costs for daycare, education and extracurricular activities are just some of those that the court may consider when adjusting child support payments.

The Georgia family court will also consider hardships when determining a child support payment amount or deciding to adjust payments temporarily. They will take into account whether the difficulty is short- or long-term. If the parent has caused or contributed to the hardship, the court may decide not to grant a child support recalculation.

Parenting Time
Unless the parents have agreed to joint custody and share the responsibility for the children equally, usually one parent has the majority of parenting time. This usually also means that they have the majority of parenting expenses. These will be factored in when determining a final child support amount.

Court Revisions
There may be extenuating circumstances that the judge wishes to consider when calculating a child support payment. The child’s best interests are always considered, but so are parents’ ability to pay. Any additional information that the court should hear must be presented before the final decision is made.

Because many child support payments are calculated based on facts and figures, it’s crucial to present this information as accurately as possible. The legal offices of Stephen Hagler, LLC is ready to discuss your child support case. Call today for a free consultation.

Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC

Office in Augusta

Stephen H. Hagler, LLC,
4070 Columbia Road, Suite 200
Martinez, GA 30907

Phone: (706) 860-9060
Fax: (706) 855-7844

Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM