A custody or parenting plan is not a rigid document. For parents who have agreed to share the care of a child or children, a detailed plan can prevent disputes. Every family is different and will therefore need a list of conditions that reflect both work and life commitments.
Custody battles are often the result of a conflict of interests between parents. Resentment can arise when one or both parents feel that the other is not taking adequate responsibility when it comes to childcare. A fluid document can put safeguards in place that help parents better cooperate on the important tasks surrounding their children.
Life & Work Balance
Life and work balance is perhaps the most difficult issue for divorced or separated parents. When schedules clash, deciding whose commitments are more important can end in disputes. Constructive discussion and compromise will produce better outcomes. If you are struggling to agree on childcare responsibilities, an experienced custody lawyer can provide guidance.
Money Matters
Providing financial support for children is often part of a custody plan. This allows parents to properly plan for things like childcare needs, travel, extracurricular activities and vacations. If parents cannot come to an agreement on finances, disputes can also be settled with the courts through mediation or court ordered child support.
Custody Plan Lawyer
A child custody plan lawyer will have experience in guiding divorced parents. If you live in Georgia and have questions about the legal aspects of custody, the offices of Stephen Hagler, LLC can help. Divorce is a difficult time for all involved, so parents should consider seeking all support available.
Call Stephen Hagler, LLC today to discuss your custody needs if you have recently separated or divorced from a partner or spouse. We are committed to helping you find the best resolutions for you and your children.
Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC