When you legally change your name, it can be a very liberating feeling. Until, that is, you try to use services like banking, where they have your old name listed. It is important to understand the implications of changing your name and the numerous potential documents you will also need to bring up to date.
You will need to update your social security details and passport if you have one. Contacting each agency is one way of obtaining the necessary forms you need to make changes to your personal details. However, this can become a laborious task, and the level of difficulty you may face when dealing with one entity to the next will vary.
Necessary Documentation
Changing your name with government and other agencies is not just a matter of filling out the necessary forms. Each agency may have separate requirements for proving your identity in order to make changes to official records. It helps to have support throughout the process from an experienced name change lawyer.
Documents that typically cause issues for people who have gone through a name change may include driver’s license, bank accounts, credit cards and passports. All these documents are essential when traveling or accessing finances. The last thing you want is to have money in the bank that you can’t touch because your new papers do not match the records at the bank.
A reputable lawyer who knows the processes involved in confirming a name change will help take much of the usual stress off your shoulders. Going it alone is a steep learning curve – especially when it comes to documents that can be used to vote or claim citizenship.
Stephen H. Hagler, LLC, can offer you a free consultation if you are considering or in the process of changing your name. Call today to find out more about how we can help your name change go smoothly in Georgia.
Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC