If you have become disabled and need to file for disability benefits, the process can be a long and arduous one. Over 65% of initial disability claims are denied, usually due to improper documentation. A skilled attorney who has experience with disability claims can increase your chances of approval and help avoid costly delays to your livelihood.
Benefits of a Disability Attorney
The Social Security Disability application process contains many steps that can be confusing. If you attempt to file on your own, your chances are greater that you will leave out important documentation. An experienced disability attorney understands the process and will be able to help you gather the necessary documents, including the proper medical forms. The Social Security Administration is much more receptive to claims that are submitted by an attorney.
It’s Never Too Late
If you attempted to file on your own and your application is rejected, a disability attorney can help you prepare for and submit an appeal. Time is not on your side when it comes to a disability appeal, since you only have 60 days to file the appeal. Your attorney will be able to move your case through more quickly than you can on your own, and your chances of reversing the denial are greater. Disability attorneys know the language, so they are better prepared to deal with the red tape involved with the Social Security Administration.
You deserve peace of mind knowing your disability application will be handled with respect, clarity and promptness. If you have suffered a disability, the last thing you should worry about is trying to face the Social Security Administration on your own. Attorney Stephen Hagler has the experience you need to handle your disability claim with thoroughness and respect. If you need a disability attorney, contact the office of Stephen Hagler, LLC today. Fill out an online contact form or call (706) 860-9060 to schedule a free consultation.
Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC