Have you suffered a spinal cord injury in Augusta, Georgia? Unfortunately, spinal cord injuries can result from any type of accident. Something as simple as a slip and fall may leave you with a life-changing injury that affects home and work life.
Impact on Home Life
Adjustments to home life are often necessary for people who have suffered a spinal cord injury. Accessibility and care are two of the issues that need to be addressed. Support features can aid in recovery and should be based on recommendations from a qualified medical professional.
One of the areas where support is needed involves dealing with the impact of a spinal cord injury on personal relationships. Partners, spouses, children and friends may also need to make adjustments in order to relate to the victim. Maintaining healthy relationships can prove difficult if a spinal cord injury results in limitations for the victim. You may experience mental health conditions like depression, anxiety or PTSD.
Working Life Adjustments
If you are able to return to work, there is a good chance that you will need to make some adjustments. This is an area where your employer should be able to provide support. Reasonable adjustments to your working environment, workload and hours are just some of the changes that could make returning to work manageable.
If you can no longer perform your current role, you may wish to consider a change in career path. Most employers do not want to lose a good employee. Don’t be afraid to have a conversation with your employer about changing your role, if possible. The goal is to ensure that you are able to continue making a living without suffering unnecessarily due to your spinal injury.
For representation in a Georgia spinal cord injury case, reach out to Stephen Hagler, LLC, today at (706) 860-9060.
Posted on behalf of Stephen H. Hagler, LLC